#!/usr/bin/python # Simple Twitter bot in python. I'm sure there are better ones out there. # Requires python-twitter: http://code.google.com/p/python-twitter/ import twitter import logging from random import choice # User definable variables consumer_key = '' consumer_secret='' access_token_key='' access_token_secret='' logfile='dukebot.log' api = twitter.Api(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, access_token_secret) logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile,level=logging.DEBUG) # Duke's vocabulary of one liners vocab = ["Bitchin!", "Blow it out your ass!", "Damn... I'm looking good!", "Oh...your ass is grass and I've got the weed-whacker.", "Shake it, baby!", "You're an inspiration for birth control.", "Your face, your ass, what's the difference?", "Let's rock!", "My name is Duke Nukem", "I've got balls of steel", "BALLS BALLS BALLS", "What? Did you think I was gone forever?", "Hail to the King, baby!", "My job is to kick ass, not make small talk.", "Looks like those alien bastards drank all my beer.", "Oh yeah! I'm bringing sexy back", "Take your pills...er...vitamins every day and you might grow up to be as awesome as me.", "Huh, I was expecting a monkey", "Pucker up, buttercup!", "Life is like a box of ammo.", "I like big guns, and I cannot lie.", "Get back to work, you slacker!", "Go ahead, make my day. ", "Damn, you're ugly", "Come get some!"] def makeReply(): replies = api.GetReplies() if len(replies) == 0: jerks = [] for r in replies: screenname = r.user.screen_name jerks.append(screenname) poorBastard = choice(jerks) oneLiner = choice(vocab) tweet = "@"+poorBastard+ " "+oneLiner return tweet else: # Get a list of possible targets friends = api.GetFollowers() # Randomly select the poor person poorBastard = choice(friends) # Randomly select a one liner oneLiner = choice(vocab) # assemble the tweset tweet = "@"+poorBastard.screen_name+" "+oneLiner return tweet def makeRandomTweet(): # Get a list of possible targets friends = api.GetFollowers() # Randomly select the poor person poorBastard = choice(friends) # Randomly select a one liner oneLiner = choice(vocab) # assemble the tweset tweet = "@"+poorBastard.screen_name+" "+oneLiner return tweet numTweets = 0 while (numTweets < 4): if numTweets%2==0: tweet = makeRandomTweet() logging.info(tweet) else: tweet = makeReply() logging.info(tweet) numTweets = numTweets + 1 api.PostUpdate(tweet)