GeekHack Thread Contents

022 Apr 2011Soarer: This is my Teensy-based project which adapts XT, AT and some 122 key terminal keyboar ...
122 Apr 2011Mr. Perfect: Impressive work there. It's tempting to make one of these even for boards that work o ...
222 Apr 2011Soarer: Some boards don't have LEDs (e.g. XTs and Terminals), and in the case of the XT the p ...
322 Apr 2011HaveANiceDay: This looks really interesting. Especially the Filco NKRO USB Mod possibilities. I don ...
423 Apr 2011hasu: Nice work! I tried your converter with PS/2 keyboard on Mac and confirmed NKRO works ...
523 Apr 2011Soarer: Thanks, hasu! I might need to add in your fix for the SET_IDLE problem on OS-X. I hav ...
623 Apr 2011Soarer:Which one? My firmware was already working better than theirs many weeks ago.
723 Apr 2011ch_123:I'd be willing to check this out whenever I get my Teensy and sufficient free time.
823 Apr 2011Soarer:That would be great, thanks! I think the most likely problem (if any) is an occasio ...
924 Apr 2011Hak Foo: Just built, waiting for my terminal F to come tomorrow. adding the LEDs lets you test ...
1024 Apr 2011Soarer: Ah, Hak Foo... just spotted your question on IRC about the devices that the converter ...
1124 Apr 2011xwhatsit: What are you using for a VID/PID?
1224 Apr 2011Soarer: I'll check later, but I haven't changed it from the defaults in the PJRC sample code. ...
1324 Apr 2011xwhatsit: Ah right. I'm going to use the standard V-USB HID keyboard VID/PID for my wee project ...
1424 Apr 2011intealls: Nice work! Just wondering what kind of remapping/macro features your firmware support ...
1525 Apr 2011Soarer:For personal projects, I guess it doesn't really matter what we use! (I admit I hav ...
1625 Apr 2011Soarer: Remappings are done from HID code to HID code, using a table in RAM, after the native ...
1725 Apr 2011Hak Foo: Stupid question: what's the default mapping for a 122 look like?  I'm thinking I'm go ...
1825 Apr 2011Soarer: Roughly speaking, it's done as a regular 102 with extra keys. The block of 10 keys on ...
1925 Apr 2011intealls: I've got a Teensy++ 2.0 with your firmware hooked up to my MBP Santa Rosa, and I've y ...
2025 Apr 2011Soarer: Excellent news! Thanks for letting me know, that was the last part that was completel ...
2125 Apr 2011intealls: Sorry 'bout that. :/ Yup, seems fine when no keys are pressed! Gonna test a couple mo ...
2225 Apr 2011Soarer: Thinking about it, I can't quite figure out what's going wrong - I guess it must some ...
2325 Apr 2011intealls: It does not wake up :( That was what I was testing. I just tried the same thing on Li ...
2425 Apr 2011Soarer: I think handling wake-up will have to wait until I support suspend mode correctly - i ...
2525 Apr 2011intealls: It still seems to repeat. :/ Would be great if someone else could try to reproduce it ...
2625 Apr 2011kishy: I am unable to reproduce, or witness any issues at all after waking from standby (jus ...
2725 Apr 2011intealls: I think it's a problem related to OS X, Linux (Ubuntu 10.04 I think) on the same mach ...
2825 Apr 2011kishy: yeah...might be OS-related (in fact, there's a good chance it is...standby ...
2926 Apr 2011Soarer:Thanks for trying it. :-)  I'm still hoping that there is a change I can make that ...
3027 Apr 2011Oqsy: High five! 122 key terminal Model F up and running!!!  Everything is good so far :) I ...
3101 May 2011Soarer: v0.992 is now available, which works around an annoying issue with Linux. The problem ...
3201 May 2011Neit: Hi Soarer, I would like to wire your converter with both DIN and PS/2 connectors. Sin ...
3301 May 2011Soarer: Nice diagram! Yes, that should be fine. (In fact, I don't think plugging both in at t ...
3402 May 2011Oqsy: Glad this was brought up, as short-term I will be doing the same with a terminal F, a ...
3502 May 2011Neit: Thanks :) I wanted to make it clear and "readable" for my first electronic build. Goo ...
3602 May 2011Soarer: That is fine. (It's probably about the same thickness as the wires in the cable to th ...
3702 May 2011Neit: Okay good. I'll get some resistors just in case. Yes, I was planning on a (lego) box. ...
3802 May 2011nowsharing: Wow, awesome work everyone. You've achieved the "impossible." Could I buy one of the ...
3903 May 2011bhtooefr: Man, this code works great. Now I just need the remappable version. :)
4003 May 2011slueth:Just buy a teensy and request a sample from tyco electronics for the DIN connectors ...
4103 May 2011Hak Foo: if you don't feel like harassing tyco, the socket costs <4 USD from the big online pa ...
4203 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: I want to do this, but why is the teensy so damn expensive?
4303 May 2011slueth: Its because not only can you use it for a keyboard convertor, you can use it for a sl ...
4404 May 2011Neit: Hey, I Updated the diagram before soldering. I finally chose to add the resistors for ...
4504 May 2011Soarer: Yep, even better! I like that the socket views are labelled as front and back - it re ...
4604 May 2011Soarer:Is it though? Even used just as a keyboard converter, I don't think it's unreasonab ...
4704 May 2011Findecanor: There are lots of unused pins, though. I wonder if they could be used for something u ...
4804 May 2011Mr. Perfect: Very nice diagrams there Neit. Any idea where the lock LEDs would fit into those?
4904 May 2011Soarer:DIP switches!!
5004 May 2011Soarer: Has anyone wired them up yet? I'm tempted to move them to different pins on the Teens ...
5105 May 2011Hak Foo: I have. If one thing is annoying about the laout, it is the lights.  Too close togeth ...
5205 May 2011Neit: I'll add them on the diagram as soon as Soarer has chosen the final pins to use (curr ...
5305 May 2011Soarer: Still a bit risky but should be ok (as ok as hot-swapping any PS/2, I guess). The con ...
5406 May 2011Mr. Perfect:Yes, that's exactly what I was asking about. Probably best to wait and see if they ...
5506 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY:I'm just a cheapass who doesn't understand who people are willing to use an arduino ...
5606 May 2011hasu: 8_INCH_FLOPPY, You can do with V-USB at cheap. You just need a crystal, 2 zeners, som ...
5706 May 2011Soarer: Ah, well, I can explain that quite simply: it's easier! I chose Atmel AVR mainly beca ...
5806 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: Thanks for the detailed explanation. I didn't mean to suggest that you  are lazy. Aft ...
5906 May 2011Soarer:I didn't really think you had, the last paragraph was very much tongue in cheek :-) ...
6006 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: I caved and ordered a couple. Maybe I can recoup the cost of one by selling the other ...
6107 May 2011Oqsy: Repeat that enough times in the right places and they will. However, this is still DI ...
6207 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: Not if I build a bunch and sell them. Muahahahaha.
6308 May 2011Hak Foo: To me, the logical endgame of this project is to eventually develop a small-run PCB w ...
6408 May 2011bhtooefr: Of course, in my case, I just mounted the Teensy internally. That way, it looks like ...
6509 May 2011Mr. Perfect: Ok, here's a question that probably hasn't come up before: can USB keyboards be hooke ...
6609 May 2011Soarer:Yes, it should work fine! (I'm sure someone did ask that before, but maybe not in t ...
6709 May 2011Mr. Perfect: That's great news. So to wire a female USB socket to the controller you just match up ...
6809 May 2011Soarer: I don't know how the passive USB to PS/2 adapters are wired up though - either probe ...
6912 May 2011Soarer: New version (v0.994) posted which adds suspend and wake-up support! Many thanks to ...
7012 May 2011slueth: Soarer, you are amazing!  :)
7113 May 2011intealls: Heh, no problem, just glad I was able to help :) You're the one doing the awesome wor ...
7213 May 2011Soarer: Well this phase is really a shakedown, making sure that reliability is top notch befo ...
7313 May 2011Voixdelion: Okay, I just kind of skimmed the discussion because it was all rather technical for m ...
7413 May 2011bhtooefr: Soarer is developing the firmware, you buy a Teensy or Teensy++, you can get one with ...
7513 May 2011Soarer: Basic shopping list: Optional items, as desired: To assemble it just needs a few wire ...
7613 May 2011bhtooefr: And, my build didn't even use the socket, due to how I installed mine.
7713 May 2011intealls: Here's my highly ghettoish solution (I HATE that movie btw) [ Attachment Invalid Or ...
7813 May 2011ch_123: Things often get more difficult to comprehend as you grow older.
7914 May 2011slueth: Not that hard as long as you can understand the pinouts.  Make sure you are looking a ...
8014 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY:Is that the same as the XT pinout? I wired it up to my XT keyboard like that and it ...
8114 May 2011slueth: I used this with the information from the article: Conn.       Teensy GND -------- GN ...
8214 May 2011Oqsy: Voix:  I have this connected to a 122 Terminal F from the acfrazier group buy. Really ...
8314 May 2011Soarer: The most common mistake so far is wiring the socket backwards - it's important to not ...
8414 May 2011kishy: [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 18121[/ATTACH] Please feel free to pop this ...
8514 May 2011Voixdelion: kewl.  will definitely try this...soon
8615 May 2011Neit: Finally done mine, 0.994 working perfectly with my cherry 81-3000 (yes MY switches ar ...
8715 May 2011slueth: It shouldn't light up, if it lights up there was a problem.  Should handle nkro. Corr ...
8815 May 2011bhtooefr: If the keyboard itself doesn't handle NKRO, though, there's a problem, and it'll ligh ...
8916 May 2011Soarer: I don't think the lack of NKRO is a factor here - the keyboard is still capable of tr ...
9022 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: I got mine to work for a moment with a PS/2 keyboard, but after I unplugged it and tr ...
9122 May 2011Soarer: Yup, that's the right order when looking into the socket. AT and XT are the same. Pul ...
9222 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: Ok, here's the message with one keypress on an AT keyboard: R06 R06 R06 It doesn't gi ...
9322 May 2011Soarer: Not accusing you of sloppy soldering! But something seems to have broken after the fi ...
9422 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: There's continuity between The socket and the board, according to ye olde VTVM. Also, ...
9522 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: Ok, I've switched back to an AT board, and now it's not working again. Here's the mes ...
9622 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: It seems that, out of the 3 AT keyboard that I've tested, the only one that does not ...
9722 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: After much testing, here's what basically happens: Normal AT keyboard: Works fine, do ...
9822 May 2011Soarer: Hmm... I used an IBM XT 'board for developing, and then had to tweak my code to get i ...
9922 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: I tested my other XT keyboard, and it responded the same as the first one. I have to ...
10023 May 2011Soarer: Cherry 'board didn't do anything that might shed light on what the 'S' setting on you ...
10124 May 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: I'm not sure what make they are. Unfortunately, the last owner peeled the stickers of ...
10224 May 2011Soarer: Oh wow, that would really help! Normally the signals very easy to capture on a 'scope ...
10313 Jun 2011Hak Foo: Is there any chance we can get the source if we want to compile our own custom mappin ...
10414 Jun 20118_INCH_FLOPPY: These were all captured with me pressing the "accent grave/tilde" key. The "S" settin ...
10518 Jun 2011REVENGE: Soarer, this is an excellent project! My implementation works nicely with a Model F 1 ...
10618 Jun 2011Soarer:It could well well Autumn before I have a chance to implement the fancy bits; loo ...
10718 Jun 2011Soarer: That Monterey is an odd beast! For starters, it's going more than twice as fast as a ...
10818 Jun 2011didjamatic: Nice work, I'm doing this!  Is there a downside to the ++ or is it just larger than n ...
10918 Jun 2011Soarer: No downside apart from cost really! It just has more of everything (which the convert ...
11025 Jun 2011REVENGE: Soarer, one of the keys on my 122 key terminal Model F does not send any key codes th ...
11125 Jun 2011Soarer:My bad! Looks like I did half a change - I took it out of the global remaps, but fo ...
11225 Jun 2011REVENGE: Thanks! :) Aside from that key not sending a code, the board is currently missing def ...
11326 Jun 2011kps:This is what I did for my 122-key F; it might help someone else. No guarantees, and ...
11428 Jun 2011Oqsy: Nice. I need to do an ANSI mod and add my RGB modifiers too. Excellent work and thx f ...
11502 Jul 2011Soarer: New version (0.995) posted that maps the top-right key of the numpad to 'Pause'. Not ...
11603 Jul 2011mr_a500: I'm thinking of trying this thing with an IBM 5155 keyboard. It should be the same as ...
11704 Jul 2011REVENGE: Yep, I had my BlackWidow and the Model F both connected. First off, the Teensy stays ...
11805 Jul 2011Soarer: It has to stay powered for a keypress to be able to trigger the wake-up ;)  I know it ...
11905 Jul 2011REVENGE: Still waiting for Explorer to scan the pr0n cache and total up the file sizes, I'll g ...
12005 Jul 2011Soarer: It's just the size that counts! I'll check next time I reboot what I set in my BIOS, ...
12105 Jul 2011REVENGE: Sounds good, mad props again for developing and maintaining this project. :P
12210 Jul 2011mr_a500: So nobody has ever tried this with an IBM 5155? (that means I'll be the first... in h ...
12310 Jul 2011kps:Open it. Power and ground should be straightforward to identify. Data & clock might ...
12410 Jul 2011mr_a500: You mean open the keyboard? That could be tricky. There are no screws. It looks like ...
12510 Jul 2011Soarer: If you have a multimeter, you might be able to work it out without taking it apart. M ...
12611 Jul 2011Hak Foo: Revenge:  I think I've had a similar symptom.  Only happened since 0.99.5, but it see ...
12720 Jul 2011LETE: These files aren't much use without the source code, right? Or did you just inject th ...
12820 Jul 2011alaricljs: You write the teensy firmware with this hex file.  It's a complete firmware.
12920 Jul 2011Soarer: [strike]I didn't work out what they were for either.... presumably OS side somewhere. ...
13020 Jul 2011LETE: I'm talking about the files kps posted in the attached zip file "" on page 1 ...
13120 Jul 2011alaricljs: Just looked at the contents, it's got a makefile and everything is automatic... it sp ...
13220 Jul 2011LETE: Ah, well said. Thank you.
13320 Jul 2011Soarer: Oh... so that's what it does... outrageous subterfuge!! I should warn anyone trying t ...
13420 Jul 2011alaricljs: The people WANT YOUR STUFF... ;)  they just want it their way.
13521 Jul 2011REVENGE: Soarer, I understand you're not ready to release your source, but I would be satisfie ...
13621 Jul 2011kps: Thanks! I thought so, from the table contents. It's enough to get my Terminal F layou ...
13722 Jul 2011LETE: I'm going to stick a couple solid state relays in my box and set this thing up to con ...
13829 Jul 2011LETE: Here are a few pictures of my teensy mounting solution for a model F terminal board. ...
13911 Aug 2011SmallFry: Is it possible that I could get the source code? I wanted to recompile/edit a little/ ...
14011 Aug 2011Soarer: Sorry, I'm not ready to give it out yet. It might be a while because I'm very busy wi ...
14111 Aug 2011SmallFry: Alright, thanks anyways Soarer
14212 Aug 2011wcass: Soarer, perhaps the GH community could help with building a front end? something that ...
14318 Aug 2011Soarer: I'm sorry, I missed this! Thanks for the offer! I would like some help with the front ...
14428 Aug 2011wcass: so a couple of questions. input file format should be ... what? default name? comment ...
14528 Aug 2011Soarer: I'm imagining something along the lines of this: (Case insensitive and spaces ignored ...
14628 Aug 2011wcass: would it conserve RAM to only include key mappings for the hardware and configuration ...
14728 Aug 2011Soarer: Oh, I was just using Colemak as an example, it needn't be included all the time. And ...
14829 Aug 2011wcass: yes, i was thinking to reload firmware when changing key maps and macros. speaking fo ...
14929 Aug 2011Soarer: Heh, it's not that - I'd always planned on asking for someone to do the front end whe ...
15030 Aug 2011Hak Foo: box an xampp install with the package. I've pondered doing that with an in-house web- ...
15107 Sep 2011timofonic: About macros and remappings... What about showing it as a Mass Storage Device with th ...
15207 Sep 2011Shawn Stanford: Well, I went ahead and ordered a Teensy 2.0, a breadboard and a set of LEDs. I've nev ...
15307 Sep 2011Oqsy: Shawn, it's a great project to start with. Pretty straightforward, and great payoff ( ...
15407 Sep 2011itlnstln: So, in other words, you're calling Shawn a dummy.  Way to support our troops.
15607 Sep 2011itlnstln: I'm lame.  VB.NET for the win.  I'm a DB guy, not a programmer.
15708 Sep 2011Soarer: Seems a bit heavyweight for this! I think if JavaScript can't do it, a Python or Java ...
15808 Sep 2011kps: No, no, no. During the day, whenever someone presses a key, you simply append the mat ...
15909 Sep 2011timofonic: OK, sorry. I did think the structure would be able to be generated in-time. There wou ...
16009 Sep 2011Soarer: Of the four layers I was thinking of, the driver is actually the easiest part. The de ...
16109 Sep 2011timofonic:Like this board? They use a common Broadcom bluetooth controller.
16209 Sep 2011Soarer: The battery comment wasn't a joke! Those things work great as controllers for contact ...
16309 Sep 2011Oqsy: Lawn mower batt work? :P
16409 Sep 2011Soarer: Bettah! You could fit one a terminal keyboard's case, no problem. Look a bit daft con ...
16510 Sep 2011Soarer: I had changed the ACPI setting in my BIOS to S1. IIRC, in S3 the wakeup simply didn't ...
16610 Sep 2011timofonic: Well, the oriiginal battery fromm. The bluetooth keyboard was 1xx mah and lastedd a w ...
16710 Sep 2011Soarer: Unable to reproduce :-/ BIOS Power Settings at defaults (S3). Fresh Window 7 install. ...
16810 Sep 2011Hak Foo: It seems to be alonbg the lines of suspend wake via converted board power down conver ...
16910 Sep 2011Soarer: power down?
17011 Sep 2011Hak Foo: start-> shut down?
17111 Sep 2011Soarer: I dunno, you said it! :-p I'm confused as to how power down is part of a problem with ...
17227 Sep 2011fohat.digs: OK guys, I am totally stoked. I received an IBM Model F 122-key terminal keyboard fro ...
17329 Sep 2011theferenc: Harry, did you snag yours from OceanTechPrecision on ebay? Does it have dip switches ...
17429 Sep 2011kishy: It can misbehave quite severely if you attempt to press any keys BEFORE the auto-dete ...
17529 Sep 2011Soarer: Sounds like the adapter is somehow thinking it's a scan code set 2 board, so not tryi ...
17629 Sep 2011fohat.digs: Thanks, but I am not there yet. It will be sometime next week before my Teensy gets h ...
17729 Sep 2011theferenc: Thanks, kishy. I'll give that a try and see if it fixes the issue. I would really lov ...
17829 Sep 2011Hak Foo: The Enter labelling is just for decoration- the converter ighnores it.  I have a 122M ...
17929 Sep 2011theferenc: Running hid_listen, I get the following: rAA rBF rBF wEE R101wF2 rEE wED R100!!00wED ...
18029 Sep 2011Soarer: It looks like it's just unusually slow to reply to commands - like world record holde ...
18129 Sep 2011theferenc: Soarer is the man! Hopefully it continues to work as well as it does right now -- tho ...
18230 Sep 2011Oqsy: Great news!
18330 Sep 2011theferenc: So one last question about this. The key on the keypad, directly above 9. What is its ...
18430 Sep 2011Soarer: It's scroll lock... what does that do in X?
18530 Sep 2011N8N: nothing at all, really... but I just tried it on my machine and scroll lock comes up ...
18630 Sep 2011theferenc: Yeah, I thought it should be scroll lock, but it doesn't match scroll lock on my othe ...
18701 Oct 2011Soarer: Just posted a new version (v0.996) with fixes for some reported problems, and a coupl ...
18801 Oct 2011theferenc: That second one is almost exactly how I have mine laid out at the moment. Too bad I d ...
18901 Oct 2011Soarer: Ah, but instead you have the jumper block inside! I've chosen the IDs so they only re ...
19001 Oct 2011SmallFry: Just a thought... not really necessary but it'd be cool to add support for the SD rea ...
19101 Oct 2011theferenc: AHK runs portably, for certain sure. It's just a download directly from their website ...
19201 Oct 2011SmallFry: My school would have a hacker alert stroke if I wired in like at home. Therefore, I w ...
19301 Oct 2011Oqsy: The perfboard and alligator clip rig I'm using for this would surely get a bomb squad ...
19404 Oct 2011kishy: Here's what I've been working on for the last little while... Complete with externall ...
19504 Oct 2011timofonic:Hello. Very nice! I would consider ordering one too... What about adding a SD card ...
19604 Oct 2011kishy: What I did is essentially just 'packaging' the adapter...I did not make any design ch ...
19704 Oct 2011alaricljs: 7 pins for the LCD... 2 pins for up/down buttons... 5 pins for the SD card slot... 2 ...
19804 Oct 2011one_each: @Soarer  Have you considered using something like to host the code as ...
19904 Oct 2011timofonic: @Soarer In terms of available pinout, memory and such... How's the Teensy2 or Tenensy ...
20004 Oct 2011alaricljs: I'm not exactly sure what it is you're asking timo, but if you scroll to the top of t ...
20104 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Help ! Getting very close, I think, but I am way over my head here, and I am not a pr ...
20204 Oct 2011Oqsy: Have you checked yr pinout from the keyboard?  I have no idea what colors mean what i ...
20304 Oct 2011Soarer: Thanks for showing your build!   SD card is almost definitely a 'no'. There's no shor ...
20404 Oct 2011Soarer: [strike]Have you tried swapping the yellow and red wires?[/strike] Hang on, not sure ...
20504 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Thanks for the reply. I think/hope I did something kind of like what you described. M ...
20604 Oct 2011Soarer: Found a label inside my 122F so decided to just photograph it :-) [ Attachment Inval ...
20704 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Thank you so much. I think that is exactly how I connected mine. Is there anything el ...
20804 Oct 2011Soarer: Is it? Yellow/Clock should go to PD1, and Red/Data should go to PD0.
20904 Oct 2011fohat.digs: RIGHT YOU ARE ! Stupid me with that whole upside-down-and-backwards thing! (And my re ...
21005 Oct 2011Soarer: Excellent! Glad to hear it's working :-)
21105 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Sorry for the double post, but, for doing the majority of my re-mapping for me! I w ...
21205 Oct 2011theferenc: Yeah, I briefly considered wiring up the lock LEDs. Then I realized, wait a sec, I do ...
21305 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Now this beauty is together and working great. I could not be more pleased - it is fa ...
21405 Oct 2011theferenc: If you're running windows, AHK is a decent option, as is KeyTweak. The former is an a ...
21505 Oct 2011fohat.digs: I usually work in Windows, but I dual-boot to Ubuntu fairly often. I would use it a l ...
21605 Oct 2011Soarer: There was a hack somewhere, which should work, but some remappings done that way migh ...
21705 Oct 2011theferenc: I use KeyTweak and xmodmap both, without issues whatsoever. I prefer these over the A ...
21806 Oct 2011fohat.digs: You guys are simply the greatest! But I am a pest. Hopefully, when you answer my ques ...
21906 Oct 2011theferenc: That's weird, I was able to remap them just fine. Did you use "teach mode" in keytwea ...
22006 Oct 2011fohat.digs: No luck with that. I went through the routines in both "Half Teach Mode" and "Full Te ...
22106 Oct 2011Soarer: I reckon KeyTweak has got confused trying to remap Pause... try reverting both NumLoc ...
22207 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Boy-oh-boy! a missed day of geekhack down had me worried! Thanks for all your help, g ...
22307 Oct 2011Soarer: Sorry, but you won't be able to remap some of the keys in that left hand F-key block, ...
22409 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Hi, it's me, harrymoss, I just felt like I needed to change my ID to something less m ...
22509 Oct 2011Soarer: As it stands, I'm afraid you'll have to accept that you can't get all of the layout t ...
22613 Oct 2011theferenc: That's really weird, honestly. I remapped nearly everything in Linux with no issues w ...
22714 Oct 2011fohat.digs: So, my amateurish trial and error fumblings continue. I post this stuff, not in a nar ...
22815 Oct 2011LETE: You don't need to worry about the thicker coating affecting performance. When the key ...
22916 Oct 2011fohat.digs: It might not be all that hard to make one, provided that you had a hole punch of just ...
23016 Oct 2011LETE: Let's both give it a shot and compare notes. Of course, if we get a proof of concept ...
23117 Oct 2011fohat.digs: May be getting far enough off-topic to warrant a new thread. Since I am really fond o ...
23217 Oct 2011LETE: Yeah, I made us a thread of our own.
23319 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Soarer - I have put together a 2nd keyboard, and left all the jumpers open to defaul ...
23420 Oct 2011Soarer: I wish I knew why that numlock won't remap! Does it just stay as numlock then? True, ...
23520 Oct 2011fohat.digs: Yes, it just stays NumLock regardless of what I tell it to be. I was using KeyTweak a ...
23622 Oct 2011Soarer: No requests, sorry! The two alternative mappings came about for specific reasons - th ...
23723 Oct 2011theferenc: I would recommend something like C++/Qt combination, or possibly python using wx or s ...
23824 Oct 2011Soarer: C++/Qt would suit me - I'd only need to learn the Qt bit! I think I'll just go with C ...
23924 Oct 2011HaaTa: Heh, I know Qt :D
24029 Oct 2011RPro: Hi - dumb question,but I couldn't find it with search: Does this Teensy PS2 adapter w ...
24130 Oct 2011Soarer: It should - it certainly works with my Dell AT102W and SGI Granite :)
24230 Oct 2011RPro: That's great! Gonna order a teensy board soon then.
24331 Oct 2011fohat.digs: A couple of things: First, do you want the Teensy for the Dell AT-101 for gaming? Bec ...
24431 Oct 2011kishy: And that really does sum up a lot of why so many of us love these things...the Fs, es ...
24531 Oct 2011fohat.digs: You have to take the Model F apart to really appreciate its construction. It seems mo ...
24604 Nov 2011theferenc: I know the M cases can be dyed, but it's a challenge due to the size. Some folks have ...
24705 Nov 2011fohat.digs: I decided that the advice was mostly against dyeing the Model F case, so I went to th ...
24806 Nov 2011RPro: Actually, my new Sandy Bridge Asus P8Z68V-Pro motherboard does not have any PS/2 port ...
24906 Nov 2011Soarer: Looks great, I like it! This code can't add NKRO to a non-NKRO keyboard of course, b ...
25008 Nov 2011kishy: That's GORGEOUS! Very well done.
25111 Nov 2011RPro: I got the teensy converter programmed and the connector soldered (stole it from an ol ...
25211 Nov 2011RPro: Whoops - guess the Dell AT101W is a 2KRO. Oh well.
25311 Nov 2011Soarer: Ah cool, you got it working ok! You never know exactly what you're going to get with ...
25411 Nov 2011RC-1140: Hey, Currently I'm using this adapter for a 1990's 122-Key Terminal Model M, and in g ...
25511 Nov 2011Soarer: Hmm, I dunno! Although... 7 is the HID usage page for keyboard keys, and 88 is the HI ...
25611 Nov 2011RC-1140: well, 93 is the X keycode for the Hiragana_Katakana Symbol. I don't know why, but one ...
25712 Nov 2011Soarer: Oh, ok. I don't really know anything about remapping USB keyboards in X, but somethin ...
25812 Nov 2011RC-1140: d'oh! when in doubt, read manpages… m( Well. Looks like I have to do it by editing al ...
25912 Nov 2011RPro: Hmm, I seem to be having an issue - it seems when I let the PC idle for a while (it d ...
26012 Nov 2011Soarer: That sounds odd, I'm gonna hope it works ok on a rear port! Power saving can be an is ...
26112 Nov 2011RPro: I have an Asus P8Z68-V Pro motherboard. Windows 7 64 bit. It is set to S3. It BSODed ...
26213 Nov 2011Soarer: I doubt the converter caused a BSOD! Wish I knew what to suggest for that, getting a ...
26313 Nov 2011RPro: Yeah I don't think it was the converter. If I have more issues with the keyboard itse ...
26407 Dec 2011dorkvader: Hmm, Can I use something like this to decode a normal ascii keyboard?
26507 Dec 2011Soarer: Dunno... I'm not sure what you mean...?
26607 Dec 2011Soarer: Are not whole translation tables! As a silly example, if you wanted to swap the '1' k ...
26708 Dec 2011hasu: mmm, nice features! and can't wait for trying new your firmware! If the syntax is sim ...
26808 Dec 2011alaricljs: I want.  I am not patient... but I haven't succeeded in getting anywhere with my own ...
26908 Dec 2011fohat.digs: Soarer - Have you come up with a way to remap those 2 pesky numpad keys on the F-122 ...
27008 Dec 2011Soarer: Thanks! I'm looking for the quickest way to get something usable - a better syntax, o ...
27118 Dec 2011LukStarkiller: I have one question in mind, which is the slower response time (latency) that we can ...
27218 Dec 2011Soarer: Hmm, good question! I haven't tested it, but I the worst case should be just under ...
27318 Dec 2011LukStarkiller: :eek: Surprising information I never thought that the delay caused by the keyboard's ...
27418 Dec 2011dorkvader: I had to do some research, to know what I meant by that (I had to look up and double ...
27519 Dec 2011Mikelittoris: Okey, so i've got my terminal 122 key model f (6110347), my teensy with a female 5 po ...
27619 Dec 2011DaemonRaccoon: Assuming counting from the bottom left (facing the connector). That's AT (and PS/2), ...
27719 Dec 2011Mikelittoris: Oh crapper! Thanks alot DeamonRaccoon yo're the best, I shall get back to the solderi ...
27819 Dec 2011Mikelittoris: Well I've connected the cables as you said DaemonRaccoon. Still nothing is happening. ...
27919 Dec 2011DaemonRaccoon: Start with flashing the Teensy without the keyboard connected, make sure you have the ...
28019 Dec 2011Soarer: Don't panic just yet - it's not easy to kill a Teensy with this mod! I think about th ...
28119 Dec 2011Mikelittoris: Ok thanks I will have to try that tomorrow, been up for 32h straight now and I thogut ...
28219 Dec 2011Soarer: LOL! Yeah, helps if everything is plugged in!
28319 Dec 2011Soarer: I've no idea! There is another Wyse that kbdbabel has signalling info for, and it is ...
28420 Dec 2011Mikelittoris: There we go, connected the cable to the controller and it works! I've done it, YEY! : ...
28531 Dec 2011thebum: Wow. Soarer thanks so much for putting your time into this. Just got my teensy today. ...
28604 Jan 2012Soarer: You're welcome - thanks for posting :-)  The XT support was actually one of the easie ...
28704 Jan 2012litster: Soarer, is your mapping without recompiling part ready yet?  I am wondering if I coul ...
28804 Jan 2012Soarer: Afraid not - I haven't had time to do any more since the last status update :-( The o ...
28904 Jan 2012litster: That's cool, Soarer.  We can wait.  Thanks.
29005 Jan 2012thebum: Thanks for the welcome.  I've spent quite a bit of time on the board and have encount ...
29126 Feb 2012Soarer: New version posted. For the brave!
29226 Feb 2012timofonic: Features list? Please? :)
29326 Feb 2012Soarer: Not brave enough - you're barred! :-p There is some (scant) documentation in the tool ...
29427 Feb 2012Soarer: Ok, so what's new is all the stuff outlined in this post, and media key support. You ...
29628 Feb 2012alaricljs: Can you explain a 'SELECT'?  It sounds as tho it can be used to set a layer/keymap vi ...
29728 Feb 2012litster: This new update sounds very awesome.  We need someone to help port it over to use on ...
29828 Feb 2012Soarer: Pretty much what I thought when I finally found some time to work on it again!! FN an ...
29928 Feb 2012alaricljs: Where you use crazy chords, I would use Fn.  I'm also not a fan of toggles, hence usi ...
30028 Feb 2012Soarer: The crazy chord was just an example :) There must be millions of ways you could put t ...
30129 Feb 2012Soarer: Oh yeah, forgot to mention - SELECT_0 can be used to reset all toggles to off. So you ...
30229 Feb 2012Soarer: Currently got about a dozen items on my to-do list, and making this sort of thing pos ...
30329 Feb 2012alaricljs: Well, there's people willing to help if you want to share the load  ;)
30429 Feb 2012Soarer: Has anyone had a go at compiling the tools for Linux or MacOSX? (Linux I could try so ...
30529 Feb 2012theferenc: I can try it on Mac later today or tomorrow, if you want. I'll be trying Linux, as we ...
30629 Feb 2012Soarer: Either would be great! Linux is probably the one I'm more worried about, in case diff ...
30701 Mar 2012Soarer: Lego! [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 42352[/ATTACH]
30801 Mar 2012Soarer: I call the bastardized version of usage page 7 HID codes that the converter uses inte ...
30902 Mar 2012litster: Good to hear that this is on your to-do list!
31002 Mar 2012mkawa: i can port this to phantom, i just need some pointers on how to get simulavr running ...
31102 Mar 2012Soarer: I haven't used the simulator at all, just a combination of debug print output, extra ...
31203 Mar 2012Soarer: Built myself a neat converter today :-) A while back I spotted some console hack dong ...
31303 Mar 2012SmallFry: SWEET! Nice package to keep your converter in! Since it uses Atmel's stuff to program ...
31403 Mar 2012Soarer: Thanks! Still one thing left to do... drill a hole in the case so I can reset it for ...
31503 Mar 2012alaricljs: How much does the case flex in that spot?  You might not need a hole, just fill the g ...
31603 Mar 2012Soarer: Sorry, missed your edit... No, it's not compatible with the Teensy utility, and you c ...
31703 Mar 2012mkawa: ok message received -- it sounds like simulators are pretty hopeless. this will have ...
31803 Mar 2012Soarer: Hardly any flex, surprisingly, but it might _just_ work... with a very firm squeeze! ...
31903 Mar 2012Soarer: Dunno about hopeless, but I always find using them a mixed bag. It's nice to be able ...
32003 Mar 2012mkawa: agreed. i was hoping there was a nice debugging toolkit that would let me do these th ...
32103 Mar 2012Soarer: Hmm. This looks quite easy, actually, but which address to jump to depends on the boo ...
32205 Mar 2012drteming: Newbie here.  Just got a terminal 1390572 last week.  Cleaned it up and did a full bo ...
32305 Mar 2012Soarer: Thank you for posting pics - I love seeing a nice tidy build!
32406 Mar 2012fohat.digs: Oh that is beautiful. I am doing something similar when I have some spare time, and y ...
32506 Mar 2012theferenc: Soarer, do you want compilation feedback via PM or in the thread?
32606 Mar 2012Soarer: Aha, cool! Probably here, in case others might want to try as well. Unless it's embar ...
32707 Mar 2012theferenc: I don't think it's embarrassing, no. This is all on Linux (RHEL 6). I was able to get ...
32807 Mar 2012Soarer: Knocked together some code that should work for nearly all Atmel AVR chips (except xm ...
32907 Mar 2012Soarer: Thanks for putting the time in! I'll plug my Linux (Mint, Debian) box back in so I ca ...
33007 Mar 2012Soarer: Got scrd and scwr working on Mint! Needed libusb-0.1-4 and libusb-dev installing to g ...
33107 Mar 2012RC-1140: Hey Soarer, at first: thank you very much for creating such a fantastic converter sof ...
33207 Mar 2012Soarer: It should work fine on any 32U4, as long as you can get it in there! The dongle I ada ...
33308 Mar 2012RC-1140: Actually even this would be great, as I'm currently using 0.996 anyway. This might be ...
33408 Mar 2012Soarer: The trouble is, I'm not sure why it helps much - the '32U4 chip is about 5EUR, and th ...
33508 Mar 2012Soarer: In other news, I just added Jump to Bootloader support for the next release, with two ...
33608 Mar 2012RC-1140: Yeah, of course that little price difference doesn't justify the extra work you would ...
33708 Mar 2012Soarer: I will have a look in case there's some easy memory saving that can be done, but othe ...
33808 Mar 2012Soarer: Well, I managed to reduce the size by about 2KB. (Stupid makefile forcing inclusion o ...
33909 Mar 2012SmallFry: Will you ever open source your code? I know I've asked before, but can't recall off hand.
34009 Mar 2012Soarer: I really don't know if or when. Once done it cannot be undone - last time I started t ...
34109 Mar 2012litster: Which IBM keyboard would be best to use for this project if I want to keep it small a ...
34209 Mar 2012Soarer: The AT (84-key). It's not 'small', but there's only about an extra inch on the RHS co ...
34309 Mar 2012litster: Right, the AT.  But it would be hard to get one now.  Could I do this on a Phantom, w ...
34409 Mar 2012Soarer: Hard, but far from impossible. You just have to keep looking, and be prepared to pay ...
34509 Mar 2012litster: Ah, I get it now.  The Phantom firmware we have now came from PrinsValium.  His code ...
34609 Mar 2012Soarer: OK. I'll talk to him when I'm ready to make plans for controller stuff.
34712 Mar 2012Soarer: Yes. (I missed seeing the edit again!)
34813 Mar 2012drteming: Well, I worked up the courage to delve into Soarer's 0.997 firmware.  My last foray i ...
34913 Mar 2012wcass: if you are serious about this, i'ld like to talk to you about a project i'm working o ...
35013 Mar 2012Soarer: Hail to the Brave! Thanks for posting up what you've done, and how. Sorry about the l ...
35113 Mar 2012Soarer: I'm serious, but it's possibly not quite what you're after - my plan is to replace ju ...
35216 Mar 2012Parak: I'm entirely too lazy to check this at the moment, but isn't the teensy++ and the mai ...
35316 Mar 2012Soarer: Yup, same size, but the ++ has GND and AREF in the middle of one side, which aligns w ...
35416 Mar 2012Parak: They would align in every one of the four possible orientations of a teensy++? Still, ...
35516 Mar 2012Soarer: Well, there's also that +5V and GND are on diagonally opposite corners of the CPU, vs ...
35616 Mar 2012Parak: Hmm, I see. Does T0 have to be used for something? If not then using teensy++ with +5 ...
35716 Mar 2012Soarer: Depends on the 'board - the XT, AT and DisplayWriter use it for signalling to the hos ...
35819 Mar 2012wcass: thanks Soarer. i used this in my IBM AT project here: ...
35901 Apr 2012ed_avis: With a Dell M6300 (BIOS rev A14) and Windows XP x64 SP2, and the converter driving a ...
36001 Apr 2012kishy: Yeah, I've had troubles with a Dell Inspiron 630m doing the same thing. Presuming BIO ...
36101 Apr 2012ed_avis: Strangely, although the M6300 does not recognize the Soarer-adapted keyboard for hitt ...
36201 Apr 2012Soarer: There must be something peculiar that these machines have in common. I mean, they wor ...
36302 Apr 2012ed_avis: Soarer I see that you are in the same country as me.  If you are near London and you ...
36402 Apr 2012Soarer: Many thanks for the offer! For me, that wouldn't be feasible for a month or two thoug ...
36503 Apr 2012litster: Sweet!  I am going to get a few parts to build this.  I have Teensys at home ready to go.
36607 Apr 2012Morning Song: Just a little report/question: I'm using one of the earliest teensy adapters, made by ...
36708 Apr 2012Soarer: Hey, that's an odd one! What's a 6011668? I'm guessing it's a 122-key terminal board ...
36808 Apr 2012Morning Song: Er, whoops! It's a 6110668, not 6011668. (Same as, i believe, Sethstorm's).  Force Se ...
36908 Apr 2012Soarer: Cool, 'force' works! Using it stops the converter querying the board at all, so it's ...
37008 Apr 2012Morning Song: Exactly! Back in the Dark Times before you guys came out with these adapters, Kishy h ...
37108 Apr 2012Soarer: Heh, I finally started to try and get some better documentation sorted out today! A d ...
37208 Apr 2012wcass: i was thinking i would like to help with an .hta GUI wrapper for your code. it would ...
37308 Apr 2012Soarer: The more the merrier! I've managed to get the command line tools compiling on all pla ...
37408 Apr 2012Morning Song: My thoughts on the matter is that if there's a nice simple one-file way of including ...
37508 Apr 2012alaricljs: A gui could probably be built across the command line tools with AutoHotKey.
37608 Apr 2012Soarer: It partly depends on what you all think a GUI should do! I know it wouldn't start off ...
37709 Apr 2012SmallFry: The gui should include a verbose just for debugging stuff:) Other than that, and bein ...
37809 Apr 2012Parak: I think the GUI could basically just be a front end to the tools. One would select fr ...
37909 Apr 2012Soarer: Heh, a minimal front-end could just be a text editor with a 'send to keyboard' button ...
38016 Apr 2012fruktstund: I'm a bit tired right now, and this might therefore be somewhat a stupid question, bu ...
38117 Apr 2012Soarer: Glad you find it useful! USB-to-USB might happen at some point in the future - there ...
38217 Apr 2012litster: Hi.  I just built a Soarer converter.  But I am running into some problem.  Here is t ...
38317 Apr 2012kishy: Silly question, but are you unplugging the USB connector before changing keyboards? E ...
38417 Apr 2012Soarer: Aha, I hope it is just that! It's the only thing I can think of that makes sense of t ...
38517 Apr 2012litster: Hi.  I tried cold plugging different keyboards.  The result is the same.  On the old ...
38617 Apr 2012Soarer: So you're plugging the keyboard into the converter, and then the converter into the P ...
38717 Apr 2012litster: Thank you!  That was it!  I always connected the Teensy to the PC first, and then plu ...
38817 Apr 2012kishy: Good to hear - and yes, hotplugging XT, AT or PS/2 interfaces is not really the best ...
38917 Apr 2012Soarer: Phew!
39017 Apr 2012litster: Soarer, is it possible to detect a disconnect of the PS/2 connection, and reset the T ...
39117 Apr 2012Soarer: Hmm. Probably, with some work, but I'm not sure I want to encourage it! (There is a r ...
39218 Apr 2012bhtooefr: What about detecting the unplug, and then blinking an error condition? Or even having ...
39318 Apr 2012litster: Hehe, I thought more people need to know how cool Soarer's converter is, so I posted ...
39419 Apr 2012Soarer: Thanks for that! Hope you enjoy it, and find a use for some of the other features as ...
39519 Apr 2012Soarer: Been working on the docs a bit - any comments and/or tips would be welcome! [ Attach ...
39619 Apr 2012REVENGE: Oh man, this looks great! I'll do a read through, let you know if I have any suggestions.
39719 Apr 2012Gawkbasher: Very cool documentation.  Thanks!
39819 Apr 2012Soarer: It's pretty much the first time I've messed with CSS, so, um, don't look at that! The ...
39920 Apr 2012bhtooefr: FWIW, you can do the navbar stuff in CSS, too - no need to do it in JavaScript. Typo ...
40020 Apr 2012Soarer: The navbar is done in CSS, but effectively it's a client-side include I really wanted ...
40123 Apr 2012Soarer: To celebrate, I present , with these new and improved features...
40223 Apr 2012Zorael: Pre-built linux tools sounds awesome! Excuse me if I'm sobbing; I've just spent the b ...
40323 Apr 2012Soarer: Thanks! And welcome to geekhack! Oh man, I'm really sorry :-(  There were a few posts ...
40425 Apr 2012andrewjoy: will this work on the rubber dome wise boards also ? i got one off ebay quite cheap i ...
40525 Apr 2012Soarer: I don't know the keyboard - any idea what protocol it uses? What connector?
40625 Apr 2012andrewjoy: it uses a phone type connector similar to other terminal boards i am amusing it uses ...
40725 Apr 2012John Boone: Congrats and happy birthday for your Converter ! I would like to know if it is possi ...
40825 Apr 2012Soarer: Thanks! Yes, it can, with some caveats... First, it won't fit with the standard Atmel ...
40901 May 2012John Boone: Thanks for the answer, well I will stick with the 32k version as for now, since i am ...
41001 May 2012Soarer: Unless you already have some 16k chips, then it's definitely worth going for the 32k. ...
41127 May 2012REVENGE: Woo, busted out the Unsaver tonight. Converter works great, and now I finally have th ...
41227 May 2012Soarer: BTW: LANG_4 is the center key in the arrow cluster for 122s. :-p There is an easier w ...
41327 May 2012REVENGE: Good tip, thanks!
41431 May 2012Soarer: New version which fixes a bug that stopped jump to bootloader functions working on AT ...
41505 Jun 2012Soarer: We can add Dell Latitude D800 to that list :-( At least I have one to play with, so i ...
41606 Jun 2012fohat.digs: I have installed 12.04 as a dual-boot with Windows 7, and the OS does not seem to rec ...
41706 Jun 2012Soarer: Oh crap - what have they gone and done! :-( No driver needed, it should be all there ...
41806 Jun 2012alaricljs: Also check if the USB on the other side of the Dell works.  I haven't been able to fi ...
41906 Jun 2012kishy: FWIW, all of my tests on the 630m involved all 4 ports (which are on the same "side", ...
42006 Jun 2012alaricljs: My D820 and e6410 both have opposite side USB ports, I was under the impression that ...
42106 Jun 2012kishy: [ Attachment Invalid Or Does Not Exist ] 52336[/ATTACH] I believe 630m is the odd on ...
42206 Jun 2012Soarer: Actually, on the D800 (A11 BIOS) it seems to work OK from a cold boot, but not on res ...
42306 Jun 2012Soarer: Hmm... so on this Dell actually all devices are showing up. Strangely, the scinfo com ...
42408 Jun 2012Soarer: I not sure that this D800 has the quite same problem as those other Dells. On this on ...
42508 Jun 2012fohat.digs: I don't know about anybody else's Ubuntu 12.04 problem, but mine was fixed immediatel ...
42608 Jun 2012Soarer: Interesting... that actually makes it more similar to the Dell laptops' problem, in t ...
42708 Jun 2012fohat.digs: Yes, I think that it just had to recognize the USB device once, smooth sailing after ...
42808 Jun 2012Soarer: Ah good. Just these pesky Dells to deal with now then! :-D
42919 Jun 2012AKIMbO: Hey guys I need a little help with my teensy install.  I'm converting an XT to usb.   ...
43019 Jun 2012Soarer: Brown = Vcc Red = Ground White = Data Black = Clock :-)
43119 Jun 2012AKIMbO: Thank you so much Soarer.  I was pulling my hair out and second guessing myself with ...
43219 Jun 2012Soarer: Haha, yeah, IBM (and Cherry) sure did pick some unintuitive colours! Good to hear of ...
43319 Jun 2012Paranoid: Hi everyone. I'm also trying to convert XT to USB (IBM model F), but when I wire it l ...
43419 Jun 2012Soarer: Ouch, that doesn't sound good at all - the Teensy shouldn't even be warm :-( Where th ...
43519 Jun 2012Paranoid: The wire colours are in the same order as in the picture (brown-red-white-black) with ...
43619 Jun 2012Soarer: Either Vcc and GND are fine. Hate to say it, but I think somehow the Teensy has died ...
43720 Jun 2012Paranoid: Damn that would suck! I also can connect it to my computer and run and load the LED b ...
43820 Jun 2012Soarer: Reversing Vcc and GND is more likely to damage the keyboard than the Teensy, and I'm ...
43920 Jun 2012Paranoid: Yes, I do have a multimeter :) I did the test that you asked. Let me sum it up: Basic ...
44020 Jun 2012Soarer: I dunno... something doesn't quite add up :-) I don't see how the Teensy would get ho ...
44120 Jun 2012Paranoid: yes that's exactly how I did the current measurement. Maybe there's something wrong w ...
44221 Jun 2012REVENGE: You could double check the wire config by using a multimeter and testing for continui ...
44321 Jun 2012Paranoid: Hi Revenge, I checked that in the beginning. The VCC, ground and data were correct, o ...
44421 Jun 2012Soarer: I think that means you were reading the pinout diagram backwards - it's drawn looking ...
44521 Jun 2012Paranoid: hehe, that would explain why I got the grnd and vcc wrong the first try ^^ the pins a ...
44622 Jun 2012Soarer: Sorry, I missed the update :-) I'm still puzzled why the teensy and cable get hot, wi ...
44724 Jun 2012Parak: For my second F122 refurbishment, I took some of these that I had lying around and fo ...
44824 Jun 2012Soarer: That's pretty neat :-) Put the pins on the back you mean? But then you'd have bits st ...
44924 Jun 2012Parak: It would have looked a bit neater as the d0/d1 pins could have been flush, but then I ...
45023 Aug 2012fohat.digs: I am probably just dense or incompetent, but here are 2 questions: 1. How to I get to ...
45123 Aug 2012Soarer: 1. The article has moved to the first post in this thread ;) 2. Depends... Day-to-day ...
45226 Aug 2012neocalm: Hello Soarer! What a fantastic project, with my beginner skills I never thought I wo ...
45326 Aug 2012Soarer: Well, AB is only 'bad' because it is used to identify the regular 101/102-key keyboa ...
45428 Aug 2012neocalm: Thanks, that makes sense on why "AB" is bad.  Turns out that the board has no "JP3" ...
45528 Aug 2012Soarer: Excellent! Actually, the 'force' command only forces the converter to for set 3, it ...
45631 Aug 2012neocalm: That's great to know the Converter doesn't set the Set.  So I did do something!  :) E ...
45731 Aug 2012Soarer: It isn't. I thought about it, but never got round to adding it, because it didn't rea ...
45801 Sep 2012neocalm: ... well that ended pretty quick :( I was all set for the "bolt-mod" with all the req ...
45901 Sep 2012Soarer: How frustrating :( I guess that means that one of those traces on the plastic sheets ...
46001 Sep 2012N8N: Rear defogger repair kit?
46101 Sep 2012Soarer: Yeah. Or from electronics suppliers ( ). I should say I've no idea how well or even i ...
46209 Sep 2012Halvar: Hi, thank you Soarer for this great piece of software. Another report of a successful ...
46309 Sep 2012Soarer: You're welcome! And good job building it in with LEDs, many people don't bother with ...
46409 Sep 2012Halvar: *danceandsing* Thanks a lot Soarer, that did it! I even did read the post that you l ...
46509 Sep 2012Soarer: Excellent! LOL, I hadn't even noticed the [´] in your post! Thanks for posting the c ...
46610 Sep 2012__red__: Another satisfied customer here - IBM Model F 122 key, 6110344 5 August 1986. :)
46718 Sep 2012Krogenar: I've got two broke-down Model M 122's headed my way -- looking forward to giving this ...
46818 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Something is escaping me here. I am back where I was a month ago at post 451 trying t ...
46918 Sep 2012Soarer: It's usually described as a 270 degree 5 pin DIN (or sometimes 240 degree), whereas t ...
47018 Sep 2012Soarer: Does it recognize the keyboard if you program it with v0.997? There isn't any real di ...
47118 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Thank you. I did this last year with an F-122 in which I installed the Teensy interna ...
47218 Sep 2012Soarer: I think the old config will be fine, and anyway we won't need one yet, to get the key ...
47319 Sep 2012fohat.digs: I think that I have done it several ways. My assumption is that the preferable metho ...
47419 Sep 2012Soarer: I was just checking, since with the Teensy built-in to your other keyboard, the quest ...
47519 Sep 2012fohat.digs: I do have hid_listen but there is nothing for it to listen to ...... Are the pins on ...
47619 Sep 2012Soarer: Odd. Once the Teensy is programmed with the converter code, hid_listen should at leas ...
47719 Sep 2012Krogenar: Thank you Soarer! I think I'm going to try a panel mount because I'd rather not alter ...
47819 Sep 2012Soarer: Ah, the trailing socket wouldn't mean modifying the keyboard, it would be for making ...
47919 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Allow me to clarify the situation and reduce misunderstanding. I have my "old" rig w ...
48019 Sep 2012Soarer: That's exactly what would happen if you programmed it with blinkfast instead of progr ...
48120 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Thank you. Do I need to somehow de-program ore re-format the Teensy from Fast-Blink? ...
48220 Sep 2012Soarer: Hmm, strange. Programming it with the converter hex ought to remove the blinking. Jus ...
48320 Sep 2012fohat.digs: "Something" happened. I went through your steps again. After opening the hex file, pr ...
48420 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Now I am getting a little worried. I plugged an ordinary PS2 keyboard into the Teensy ...
48520 Sep 2012Soarer: OK, progress, it seems to be programmed now :-) Since you're getting some response wh ...
48620 Sep 2012fohat.digs: I keep working on this instead of my "real" work. My working converter is hard-wired ...
48720 Sep 2012Soarer: Don't dismantle your working one! I meant we should be able to get this new one worki ...
48820 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Using a 10-year-old Compaq rubber dome board with PS2 connector, with each key press ...
48920 Sep 2012Soarer: That's a mix of Timeout and Start Bit errors, with a rare Internal error. One possibl ...
49020 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Thanks, but going by your diagram at the beginning of the thread, I think I have it w ...
49120 Sep 2012Soarer: I know you do, but there must be something wrong somewhere! :D Pretty much any standa ...
49221 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Yes, the XT is what I have been working with. I gave up the alligator clips and have ...
49321 Sep 2012Soarer: I think the only way to fully cook the keyboard is to connect power and ground in rev ...
49421 Sep 2012fohat.digs: This is indeed disappointing, if I have carelessly wrecked 2 Model Fs. Is there a rel ...
49521 Sep 2012Soarer: Well I'm not sure that you have totally wrecked them, unless you think you might have ...
49622 Sep 2012fohat.digs: This is going to have to get shelved for a few days. - IF - I did apply the power bac ...
49722 Sep 2012Soarer: OK. I'm sorry that this hasn't gone as smoothly for you as it did last time. Trouble ...
49822 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Depending on how this all plays out, I can send you some dead parts that have no more ...
49922 Sep 2012Soarer: Thanks! I'm still hopeful that it's not that much of a disaster though :)
50024 Sep 2012kishy: If the controller is toast, let's not forget that dfj was making a full replacement.. ...
50124 Sep 2012Soarer: True, I'm not forgetting it, but dfj would need quite some prodding to release code o ...
50225 Sep 2012Krogenar: Fohat, just a heads up -- I got two 122-key Terminal Model M's from eBay. One has a c ...
50325 Sep 2012kishy: I guess with the attachments being lost my huge post showing the differences between ...
50425 Sep 2012Soarer: Unfortunately, Model M controllers don't have the special capacitive sensing chip tha ...
50526 Sep 2012oTurtlez: I've got a Leading Edge DC-2014 and the internal connector has six wires coming out. ...
50626 Sep 2012Soarer: Yeah, I'm afraid they need to be properly identified. Either by using a multimeter, o ...
50726 Sep 2012oTurtlez: Heres another pic focusing more on the traces. It seems the Yellow is definitely the ...
50826 Sep 2012Soarer: LOL, I said DON'T take my guesswork as fact!!  :p Still need a pic that shows the tra ...
50926 Sep 2012oTurtlez: Traces of the 14 pin ---> The 40-pin is an 8048 and the 14 pin reads 6A1 8(New line) ...
51026 Sep 2012Soarer: Cool. 74LS125 is a tri-state buffer chip. Black and grey wires both go there, so they ...
51126 Sep 2012oTurtlez: Trying that now, Teensy just came in the mail so I'm getting to the soldering Thanks.
51226 Sep 2012oTurtlez: Well my Teensy just arrived so I tried it out and got everything soldered up. Loaded ...
51326 Sep 2012Soarer: Bah :( Is it giving any output to hid_listen when you press keys? Also, with hid_list ...
51426 Sep 2012oTurtlez: It gave no output when keys were pressed, I hadnt used it with the black and grey swa ...
51527 Sep 2012fohat.digs: Sounds like what is happening to me. Could there be a bad batch of Teensys shipping r ...
51627 Sep 2012oTurtlez: As much as I'd like that to be the case so I could get a replacement, All software de ...
51727 Sep 2012Halvar: Hi, from my experience this error means that there's a problem with the connection be ...
51827 Sep 2012Soarer: Oh man, that really sucks... I think the track away from the PD1 pad is on the top si ...
51927 Sep 2012oTurtlez: I really need a better iron. This 25w POS has been with me for far too long. I need s ...
52027 Sep 2012oTurtlez: Do you know if there's any way to reprogram the code to look to PD2 instead of PD1? O ...
52127 Sep 2012Soarer: It would be possible, but the problem is I don't want to add such a build to the rele ...
52227 Sep 2012oTurtlez: I'm guessing it's not as simple as going into the code and changing all PD1 to PD2? ( ...
52327 Sep 2012Krogenar: How would you know if a keyboards controller were faulty, broken?
52428 Sep 2012Soarer: It's written in C :-) The point is, it would be fairly easy for me to mod it, but I d ...
52528 Sep 2012Soarer: That is a properly sorted 122-key! The LEDs and relegendable keys really make it sple ...
52628 Sep 2012Soarer: From the IBM PC Technical Reference... So although the IBM keyboards didn't use the R ...
52703 Oct 2012Krogenar: Soarer, just wanted to give you a huge thanks! Got your converter working late last n ...
52803 Oct 2012Soarer: That's good to hear! Let's have some pics :D
52903 Oct 2012Soarer: Paranoid's dead XT arrived, and I started examining it. Testing revealed a complete s ...
53004 Oct 2012__red__: Any sign of bulging or other physical defecT?
53104 Oct 2012Soarer: Not that I can tell. I'm sure it would've been more dramatic without the USB port's o ...
53205 Oct 2012page2pagepro: Please note, for IBM Model M 1390572, the image above is for female socket, not male ...
53306 Oct 2012Soarer: That on github is hasu's great repo :) There's no source code available for my conver ...
53406 Oct 2012Soarer: Recently I've been working with oTurtlez trying to figure out his Leading Edge DC-201 ...
53514 Oct 2012page2pagepro: Anti-Ghosting with Teensy? Using tool, ...
53614 Oct 2012Soarer: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the Model M isn't NKRO and the converter can't chang ...
53714 Oct 2012__red__: I think we as a community need to buy soarer a logic analyzer.  Given what he's given ...
53814 Oct 2012Soarer: Thanks red! Actually, I've already got this one with a ... here's some ! ;D But mos ...
53915 Oct 2012Krogenar: Is my converter weird or something? It's working -- if press keys on my 122 Terminal ...
54015 Oct 2012Halvar: @Krogenar: To see the scan set, you'll have to have the hid_listen.exe window open w ...
54115 Oct 2012Soarer: Thanks Halvar, that's all great! Krogenar, you don't really need to know which scan s ...
54215 Oct 2012urbanus: Works with my 83-key Model F XT -- typing on it right now!  :) Thank you very much So ...
54315 Oct 2012Krogenar: Yes, I discovered that when I remove the keyboard cable and reinsert, that there's mo ...
54415 Oct 2012alaricljs: If I recall from my reading of this thread.... you're not supposed to detach/attach t ...
54515 Oct 2012Krogenar: Ok, here we go. Keep in mind I have no experience building electronics. My goal was t ...
54615 Oct 2012Soarer: Hmm, that should work to clear things back to the defaults. You can check by running ...
54716 Oct 2012Krogenar: I tried using Halvar's config file -- worked beautifully. I'm trying to find some nic ...
54816 Oct 2012Halvar: The painting restoration story is hilarious.  :D Some symbol fonts I found and partly ...
54916 Oct 2012Krogenar: Yeah, she started out trying to restore Jesus, and wound up making him look like Mr. ...
55016 Oct 2012Soarer: Nothing exciting... it's just the Window's menu key.
55116 Oct 2012Halvar:
55201 Nov 2012Soarer: New improved version (sorry __red__!) now samples whenever any of PD0 to PD3 change, ...
55308 Nov 2012Arbiter343GS: I actually did this project about a month ago after I bought a 122 key model M off of ...
55408 Nov 2012fohat.digs: I have used Key Tweak, but most people seem to prefer Auto Hot Key. I plan to try AHK ...
55508 Nov 2012Arbiter343GS: Ive been trying auto hotkey but I have no idea how to go about programming the extra ...
55608 Nov 2012Soarer: Remappings are best done in the converter because then there's no restrictions (like ...
55708 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Do you remember that I went through hours/days of anguish trying to get a Teensy to w ...
55809 Nov 2012Soarer: That's a tough one to call! I the only likely way to electrically damage a Teensy w ...
55909 Nov 2012fohat.digs: I emailed "Paul" and he was nice but I am not going to push for a replacement. He is ...
56009 Nov 2012Soarer: Yes, that is a relief. I've used about half a dozen Teensies, and had no bad ones. I ...
56109 Nov 2012wcass: it is actually quite easy. first, go to the DOCS folder and double-click on . since ...
56209 Nov 2012fohat.digs: The last leg of this trip has been surprisingly difficult, but I now have my working ...
56309 Nov 2012Krogenar: Nice build fohat!
56409 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Arrgh! I spoke too soon about my ecstasy. My old build, F-122 with internal Teensy an ...
56509 Nov 2012Halvar: hid_listen only shows the ID when the teensy is started. So to see it, unplug your ke ...
56609 Nov 2012Soarer: Yes, the solution is to use a config file and do the remapping on the Teensy - wcass' ...
56709 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Thank you. When I hot plug the Teensy, I get: wED rFE !!FEwED rFE !!FEwED rFE !!FE Th ...
56809 Nov 2012Soarer: You don't have to give up on remapping Pause if you do the remapping in the converter ...
56909 Nov 2012Halvar: I don't know if there's a difference between the default mapping of an M-122 and an F ...
57009 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Finding the picture (not easy) that went along with my own post at #223 allowed me to ...
57110 Nov 2012Soarer: Halvar, that's true... since v0.997 that Pause mapping moved to It never w ...
57210 Nov 2012Soarer: fohat, to give a quick idea of the process of getting config 'in the converter', the ...
57310 Nov 2012Arbiter343GS: I pretty much understand how the entire process works now, but Im stumped on how to g ...
57410 Nov 2012Soarer: On Windows, the simplest way to do it without the drag-drop into the command prompt w ...
57510 Nov 2012zz: hi! and thank you so much for making this awesome project! i can confirm that it work ...
57610 Nov 2012Soarer: Data line is stuck high - hopefully just a bad connection :)
57710 Nov 2012zz: aw man and a support reaction time of ten minutes! there is no hid manufacturer that ...
57810 Nov 2012Arbiter343GS: That worked, thank you for all the help! And wow. I am definitely blind, I was scouri ...
57910 Nov 2012Soarer: Yeah, scas takes two arguments, so dropping a file onto it in the GUI doesn't work. ...
58010 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Thank you again, you always come through. I was having a similar problem to Arbiter, ...
58110 Nov 2012Soarer: We can most definitely get it much better than having to live with any annoyances, bu ...
58210 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Sorry to make life difficult. First, I had already reset everything in KeyTweak back ...
58310 Nov 2012Soarer: For the top-right numpad key, you need to remap EXTRA_SYSRQ, and the centre key in th ...
58410 Nov 2012fohat.digs: My hat is off to you once again. And please, never let questions about keyboards get ...
58510 Nov 2012Soarer: All stocked up now  :cool: If Pause hadn't been EXTRA_SYSRQ, it would've been PAD_MIN ...
58610 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Sweet! Even better than I thought. I guess that in England you don't have "blue laws" ...
58711 Nov 2012Soarer: No, nothing like 'blue laws', but big shops are limited to I think 6 hours opening on ...
58811 Nov 2012AKIMbO: A big shout out to Soarer...I just want to say thank you again for this awesome conve ...
58911 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Good Luck! What was that one dated, April 1984? The oldest one I have is a 6110344 da ...
59011 Nov 2012AKIMbO: April 1984....Part # 6110344.  Foam mat appeared to be in decent condition and the me ...
59111 Nov 2012zz: damn. why did i touch it. it was running perfectly  :'( after very carefully resolder ...
59211 Nov 2012fohat.digs: What wires? As much as I have tinkered with other stuff, I have not touched any "inte ...
59311 Nov 2012zz: i meant the cable.. i just wanted to make it shorter to fit inside.
59411 Nov 2012Soarer: So it's worse than before? Not even the rFF codes now? :( Most of the ways to damage ...
59511 Nov 2012zz: phew! got it back to work on pd3 and pd4 with the alternate firmware a few pages bac ...
59611 Nov 2012Soarer: Shame about the damage, but at least it's working now :)
59724 Nov 2012AKIMbO: Mmmmm.....success.  ANSI layout.  Thanks again Soarer!
59824 Nov 2012Soarer: Nicely done... and very clean!
59924 Nov 2012AKIMbO: I'm having a bit of an issue with the converter.  When I run the command (scwr akimbo ...
60024 Nov 2012Soarer: That's odd. No errors from 'scas akimbo.cfg', presumably?
60124 Nov 2012AKIMbO: ^You know what I did wrong.  I didn't use type .cfg when i ran 'scas akimbo.cfg akimb ...
60224 Nov 2012Soarer: Ahahahahahaha... haaaa.... :p
60324 Nov 2012AKIMbO::-[ Hehehehe
60424 Nov 2012Soarer::-* (there is no bro-hug smiley, so...)
60525 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Great job, AKIMbO. I have been working on my instructions for a project similar to th ...
60627 Nov 2012fohat.digs: Just when I thought it was safe to go in the water again ..... I lost my numpad. The ...
60727 Nov 2012Soarer: What an odd problem, since the CURRENT_USER setting should override the .DEFAULT!! BT ...
60827 Nov 2012fohat.digs: I think that .DEFAULT must have blown everybody's minds. The choices were 0, 1, or 2 ...
60907 Dec 2012Soarer: PLEASE VOTE for my converter in the Deskthority Awards 2012: Best input device mod 20 ...
61007 Dec 2012fohat.digs: Everybody vote for Soarer. Without him, I would never have known the joy I have exper ...
61107 Dec 2012Soarer: At least I can't lose to thin ABS keycaps again this year!! That made me sad, but my ...
61208 Dec 2012Krogenar: Voted. Possibly twice.  ;)
61308 Dec 2012Soarer: Full source and binaries for the logic analyzer now posted on DT :D
61409 Dec 2012JesuswasaZombie: How cute, the ...
61509 Dec 2012Soarer: Well maybe they are - it's a different protocol, after all! Pains me to see bit-bangi ...
61611 Dec 2012precarious: I purchased a Teensy the other day to t ...
61711 Dec 2012Soarer: Difficult to say what that extra ROM chip changes - it could be an entirely different ...
61811 Dec 2012Halvar: Quite remarkable -- I have never seen an Amiga keyboard like that. AFAIK, the Amiga ...
61911 Dec 2012precarious: The seller of the keyboard said it was for an Amiga 1000, so I suppose that makes sen ...
62012 Dec 2012Soarer: Sure, this would be a great way to convert a Dolch! I don't know if there are any con ...
62112 Dec 2012metalliqaz: Well this was an easy project.  Zero to typing with my Model-M with surprisingly litt ...
62215 Dec 2012Soarer: Many thanks to everyone who voted for my converter :D Deskthority Awards - Best input ...
62315 Dec 2012precarious: the competition didn't stand a chance, congratulations :)
62415 Dec 2012fohat.digs: Great work, Soarer! I guess that you have been working on this for the better part of ...
62516 Dec 2012Krogenar: Congrats Soarer!
62618 Dec 2012precarious: Received my Teensy and PS2 connector today, managed to get the Dolch working over USB ...
62718 Dec 2012Soarer: Certainly some (most?) WYSE keyboards aren't handled by the converter, since they hav ...